It was 1994 and I* was receiving a CLIO award in San Francisco for a three-word billboard I wrote for Volvo. What I knew to be true had just been validated: It’s all about the message.
Now, years later, our firm has proved that truth over — and over again. For some of the largest organizations in the world; for the most complex businesses and situations. Without the right message, (and the right message architecture) marketing is ungrounded, and too often fails.
We’re not an ad agency. We’re not a digital firm. Not a design shop, nor a production house. We are a strategic consultancy focused squarely on the business of brand and messaging. The most important, least understood work in the marketing process.
If you run a company, or a brand — if they turn to you for marketing, or communications — you owe it to yourself to learn more about our approach and our services.
Perhaps, your efforts could use Cohesion? Let's talk.
*Brian Creath is the president and founder of Cohesion. His unique skills were born from an interesting combination of strategic planning, creative writing and account work that began in the advertising agency business in 1984. A strategist before the term was widely used, his “Copy Contact” job at Fogleman & Partners soon translated into a VP position at Kerlick, Switzer & Johnson, a St. Louis ad agency purchased by TBWA. At the age of 27, Brian founded the award-winning ad agency, CreathJacobsen. Here, his work as a strategist, creative director and writer helped garner high-profile clients and an outstanding creative reputation for the agency; an agency perhaps most remembered for its Clio-Award winning work for Volvo.
Cohesion is a strategic brand consultancy that helps organizations position, package and articulate the essence and direction of businesses, brands, solutions and issues. Since 1999, our work has created new value and revenue for more than 150 organizations, including Fortune 500 corporations, mid-market companies and innovative small businesses. To learn more visit, or contact Brian Creath, president, at